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Check out this
week's blog

Welcome to Our School! Meet Our…Tarantula?!

Staying with the animal theme this week, we’re bringing you another tale from the untamed halls of one ...

Public Recognition: Reality Check In The Check-out Lane

Anyone who works in a public-facing job knows the unique experience of being recognized while out and about. ...

The Case Of The Giant Green Fridge

It’s back-to-school time for students and staff! Everyone is busy moving into new spaces—dorms, classrooms, and schools. Amid ...

Lighten the Load: Universal ‘You Can’t Make It Up’ Moments

This weekend, I caught up with a colleague from “across the pond.” He’s an administrator in Britain, and ...

Stop The Ride – I WANT TO GET OFF!

Ah, summer! It's the season of sun, fun, and local carnivals. Like clockwork, the festival rolls into town ...

Media Storms – You Can’t Make It Up

Waking Up To Conflict As school administrators, we're often prepared for the unexpected, but sometimes, the challenges are ...

Hot Wheels and a Meltdown in Aisle 5!

In my last post, I reminisced about those early days of a brand new principal position, and today’s ...