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week's blog

Welcome to Our School! Meet Our…Tarantula?!

Staying with the animal theme this week, we’re bringing you another tale from the untamed halls of one ...

Clueless and Complaining: Welcome to Your First Principalship!

It's That Time of the Year! If you’re gearing up to start a new administrative job on July ...

One Little Finger Really Packs a Punch!

If You Ask... Ah, the end of the school year. The time when students and teachers are both ...

Home For The Summer

Packing Up The Year It was the end of the school year, and like many teachers, I was ...

Freedom Has Left The Building

And someone found it in the dumpster... Hello, You Can’t Make It Up enthusiasts! Today’s tale from the ...

Parents, Policies, and Pleas

Every year, as predictable as the changing seasons, comes a surge of last-minute pleas and "special" requests that ...

Ending the Year With A Little Less Stress

The Importance of Debriefing At the end of every school year, I do an important activity with my ...