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Check out this
week's blog

Welcome to Our School! Meet Our…Tarantula?!

Staying with the animal theme this week, we’re bringing you another tale from the untamed halls of one ...

End of the Year Crazy

This week, we're stepping away from the normal abnormal to chat about the end-of-year chaos that seems to ...

Navigating “You Can’t Make It Up” Social Media Storms

In our latest journey into the less glamorous aspects of education, we're exploring the turbulence and confusion caused ...

The Unbelievable Dive That Turned Foes into Friends

Sometimes reality trumps fiction, and a simple issue can evolve into a memorable, almost unbelievable moment. Here's a ...

We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Blog: When Mother Nature Wreaks Havoc

Emergency Broadcast Alert: Nature's Fury Unleashed Hello to my subscribers. Today’s blog post veers from our typical topics ...

The Fizz Tablet Fiasco: A Classroom Mishap You Can’t Make Up

Welcome back to our 'You Can't Make It Up' series! This week, we're sharing a memorable incident from ...

Facing Trauma: A Night at the Parking Ramp

The Situation: It was supposed to be a simple dinner downtown with my son. As the city lights ...