End of the Year Crazy

This week, we’re stepping away from the normal abnormal to chat about the end-of-year chaos that seems to be part of our lives in the final weeks of the school year. Whether it’s dealing with last-minute staff changes, handling tricky student discipline, or the just plain weird stuff that makes you think, You really can’t make this up,” it’s definitely a busy time.

Add in some national phone prank calls, a police chase through a neighborhood, and the possibility of severe weather during graduations, and it sounds about right for this time of year!

Don’t Forget the Fun!

But let’s not forget all the fun stuff that happens now, too. There’s a lot to enjoy, like field days and dunk tanks, concerts, musicals, and spring sports. And, of course, the highlight for many of us is graduation. It’s a celebration of all the hard work and a reminder of why we do what we do. We’re here to help our students shine and set them up for a bright future. I love watching every student walk forward to receive their diploma, and I wish I could sit and talk with each of them about their future plans.

It’s easy to get caught up in the madness, but it’s also crucial to stay focused and intentional. Staying true to our mission day in and day out—not just when the schedule lightens up a bit—is how we ensure we can stay in this for the long haul. That’s our “long game,” sticking it out in this profession and making a lasting impact.

So, as we push through these busy last weeks, let’s soak up the fun. Let these positive moments energize you and remind you of the successes that have been achieved. After all, it’s these experiences that help balance out the crazies just a bit.

Here are five things to remember as we close another school year:

  1. Celebrate Achievements: Take time to celebrate the successes of the year and the cumulative success, both big and small, for students and staff alike. We often assume everyone is aware, and it’s up to us to make sure people see the fruits of their labors!
  2. Reflect and Learn: Reflect on the challenges faced and the lessons learned, using them as stepping stones for future planning. Write some notes so you remember things as you start to plan for next year.
  3. Express Gratitude: Show appreciation for your colleagues, students, and the school community. A little thanks can go a long way. Make it simple and make it personal.
  4. Prepare for Transitions: Help students and staff prepare for any transitions, whether they’re moving to a new grade or changing schools. Give students an opportunity to say goodbye to each other and to the staff.
  5. Rest and Recharge: Encourage everyone, including yourself, to rest and recharge over the break so that you can return refreshed for a new school year. Be intentional about scheduling things you love to do, and commit to turning off the devices!

Share the Load

If you’ve felt a little bit lighter after reading this blog, why not share it with a friend? Sometimes, it helps just to know you’re not alone. It’s why this blog exists.

I’ve enjoyed hearing some of your own “You Can’t Make It Up” moments, so please continue to share them with our community. Your stories make this blog a supportive space for all of us as we navigate the twists and turns of education.

As we wrap up another school year, remember to embrace the chaos, find humor in the unexpected, and carry that energy and enthusiasm forward.

We’ll be back next week with some more “You Can’t Make It Up” moments. Keep making a difference, one day, one student at a time!

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