This weekend, I caught up with a colleague from “across the pond.” He’s an administrator in Britain, and we always enjoy exchanging stories about the wild world of education in our respective countries.
We often think the “You Can’t Make It Up” moments we encounter are unique to our school districts or even our countries, but after talking with him, I can assure you they are not!
He launched into a story about his recent situation, and the all-too-familiar similarities made us both laugh.

But the most important point came up after we finished talking and rejoined the larger group. Someone asked what we were discussing, and he said, “We just finished our ‘therapy session.’ I just feel a bit lighter now!“
Our conversation was nothing more than sharing our mutual “You Can’t Make It Up” moments, laughing about them together, discussing how we handled them, and feeling just a little better knowing we’re not alone.
That’s why this website exists.
That’s how we stay in this work for the long game.
That’s how we help others stay in it as well.
Whether you’re in the office next door, the district down the road, across state lines, or an ocean away, we’re all working to educate children. Sharing our “You Can’t Make It Up” moments shows us these experiences are universal, and laughing about them (and occasionally crying) together is therapeutic. It helps us connect with colleagues, lighten the load, and stay in the game for the long haul.
Please take a moment today to forward this to a friend, post a comment, or send me an email. We can all help lighten the load just a little!
Keep smiling,
We called it “Swear and Share Time.”
Very accurate!